Booking flights to Masai Mara
Flying safaris to Masai Mara are easily booked only in peak season you have to book in advance while low season you can book when it’s a day or two to your flight depending on the group size. Their many domestic flights that serve the national reserve on daily basis like Air Kenya, safari link and others, the reserve more than more than 8 airfields with six inside the reserve.
Your flight can be booked online through Expedia or directly in their website or by tour operator in their office. AirKenya flies three times a day to Masai Mara from Nairobi in Wilson airport with a proposal of increasing daily flights in the next coming year due to increasing demand of the guests.
Most times we help our clients book for them their domestic flights while others prefer to book by themselves which is also good as they do it under our guidance on the timing and other issues.