List Of Registered Travel Agencies In Kenya
List Of Registered Travel Agencies In Kenya : There are several government agencies in the country, which have a major responsibility of providing numerous resources, which help to regulate all the travel businesses in Kenya. In addition, these agencies always have online databases, which individuals can check out to learn more information that may be useful as they search for a registered travel company to deal with. More so, the industry associations, directories that are mainly within the travel sector of this country are also considered very useful resource. In addition, in the context below; we will delve more into several reasons as to why it is difficult to provide the list of registered travel agencies in the country. Therefore, some of these include;
- Constant Changes.
In Kenya, it is noticed that landscapes of travel agencies are constantly evolving. Therefore, several new travel agencies are established, cease operations, while others always change there statuses. Therefore, there are many possibilities that at any moment any list provided could quickly be considered as out dated.
- Regulatory Variations;
The regulation of travel agencies in Kenya also have a tendency of varying from region to region. However, it is also recorded that all the travel agencies in this country are registered at different levels for example; some are registered at an international level, others at a local level while there are also those agencies that are registered at a regional level.
- Availability of Information.
It is also hard to provide a list of travel agencies found in Kenya because there are restrictions that are put towards accessing the exact database information of these agencies and it is not always publically available hence making it difficult. There are specific official registers of these travel agencies, which are usually maintained by government bodies and many other industry associations who are allowed to only the access these databases. However, unfortunately, the accuracy and completeness of such kinds of registers always vary.
- Business Dynamics.
Travel agencies in Kenya usually operate while using different names due to presence of mergers, acquisitions and rebranding efforts. Therefore, it is the noted that the reason why these travel agencies cannot be registered a single name, is that it always leads to many challenges.
- Comprehensive List.
Last but not least, it is noted to come up with a comprehensive list of all the registered travel agencies in the country always requires an individual to make extensive research across various sources available such as; government records, online directories and from many other industry associations among others. and this process is always difficult due to the fact that it would consume a lot of time and even a person may not be able to yield a complete or up- to- date results of all the agencies.
Contact our trusted tour operators for more information about the list of all the registered travel agencies in the country and then book with our tours and travel companies such as; Focus East Africa Tours who offer the best tour packages while on a safari in Kenya.